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Unknown Stollerys: Broken links - your family?

FAMILIES whose ancestors, and descendents, are unknown:

At the time of page composition, realizing pages would only slowly be added as time allowed, we determined that putting the family "orphans" in this location made sense.

FAS' book lists some 411 descendants of Thomas STALWORTHY, including those of daughters whose last names changed to represent their husbands. Your editor's research, taking several unlinked names and merging them into families based on parental linkages, correlating birth dates etc., provided "me" with families whose linkage is NOT apparent. For current purposes, these families appear here. As their linkages are discovered, they'll be inserted at the 'proper' location.


Alice Stollery married William Middleton Kemp and we know nothing more...?

George Henry Thomas Stollery born in the fourth quarter of 1883 in Middlesex ...

Mary Stollery, born about 1806, married William Disbury.

Barry Robert Stollery married Rose Seymour and they had one daughter, Lisa Ellemay Stollery.

Cyril Stollery married Muriel Hambung and they had one son, Christopher Stollery.

Donald Eugene Stollery's wife, Audrey, did have a last name but "it's been lost." They had a daughter, Sharon Stollery.

George William Stollery married Harriet Fish; their daughter, Kathleen Stollery, married John Archer.

Margaret Stollery gave birth to Brice Stollery 28 APR 1721 in Stonham Aspal, Suffolk, Eng.

Violet May Stollery was born 22 DEC 1899 in Wellington, NZ; she married Clarence Arthur Kinzett (date not shown) and later died, 3 JAN 1994 -- age 94 -- in Nelson, NZ.

Gavin Mark Stollery and wife Margaret Fitzgerald are credited with two sons; Phillip Mark and Scott William.

Allen Stollery's parents are, so far, unknown. We know he married Nancy Jean Hass and they had a daughter Amy Jean, and a son Scott Alan.

Keith Stollery married Margaret Lesley Galbraith and before he passed away, Dec. 23, 1968, shared parenting responsibilities for David Keith, Elizabeth Margaret, and Neil Willian Stollery .

John Kenneth Stollery married Sylvia Miller; their children include, Alan Ian. Colin John, Gavin Mark(who married Margaret Fitzgerald ), Harold Peter (he married Margaret Corker), Joan Margaret (her husband: Gregory H. Jones), and Karen "Annette" (who married Edward Polley).

Robert Benjamin Stollery is known to have two sons; one, Joseph, married Nicola Pulford . Their children include Alan and Jennifer. The other, Jonathan, married Marion Appleton; Elaine Stewart was Jon's second wife. Jonathan Stollery and Elaine Stewart are the reported parents of Benjamin and Emma. We make a dangerous presumption that the second Jonathans named here is the same as the first, the link in our mind made by the name of the spouse.

Ephraim Stollery and Elizabeth Pannifer had two children; Herbert Arthur born in Hollesley, Suffolk, Eng., in 1862. He married Ruth (?), and died young: age 29 or so, in 1891. Child number two was a girl, born 1865; they named her Anna Maria.

Henry Stollery and Catherine Collins are credited with three children. In order of birth, 10 NOV 1879 -- Hollesley, Suffolk, England, Jessie Ann; her husband was Alfred John Foster. George William was born 21 Dec. 1889 in Hollesly,* Eng.; he was laid to rest in that city Apr. 15, 1955. We know he married Hariet Fish. Henry and Catherine are also given as parents to a daughter Catherine, but no dates are recorded.

Alan Stollery, Colin Stollery and Ray Stollery are three people whose sole parent is given as Arthur Stollery. None of the four are otherwise identified to us. We do not even have a century to tie them to!

English born Maria Stollery (c. 1831) is located in Canada at age 20; where does she match up?

Another chain: English born George Henry Thomas Stollery (1883) has a son, Geo. Hnry Thoms; who then has a daughter, Elaine.

John Leslie Stollery, is credited with two sons, Gary John and Mark Leslie Stollery.

Paul Nicholas Stollery married Carol Mackie and they had two sons; David Paul, and John Ronald.

Michael John Stollery is the listed father of sons Christopher, Gerard, Michael and Phillip. His daughters ar given as Helen, Katie and Mary.

Herbert Arthur Stollery married Ruth. We know they parented Edwin Ephraim Stollery, born June 23, 1891 -- Hollesley, Suffolk, Eng. and who married Pearl.** Herbert and Ruth also are ther parents of Ethel, Grace, Hilda, and Norah ; Norah married Harry Mann.

**Ed and Pearl presented children Arthur F., Cecelia, Donald Eugene ... and Donald married Audrey to provide us with a second Donald, presumably "Donald II". Ed and Pearl's other children include Elmer, Ruth, Edwin A. -- who with wife Clara presented us with Alan, John, Linda, William.

SEE also,