From the 1840s Onward

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From the 1840s Onward: Stollerys galore


Thomas STALWORTHY was our start; now, we're at G-11, ready for Joseph (born 1826, christened June 23, 1837) to marry Hannah MIDDLEDICK, Sept 7, 1845 in Boyton Church, Boyton. Hannah, born 1823, died 1879.

G11-172 William born about 1847, c. Oct 21,1855; 173 Elizabeth, born 1950; 174, Richard, born and christened 9 October 1925 in Melton, Suffolk. 175 Joseph Junior, Aug 7, 1859; Woodbride District, St. Johns, Suffolk.

G11-133 Benjamin was born 1834, c. June 25 1838 in Boyton Church, was buried therein 1912. He married Ellen ELLIS in 1859 in Boyton (she was born 1836, died Feb. 12, 1916, Boyton) and they had the following 10 children: 177 Benjamin, about 1860 (a shepherd in later life); 178 Arthur, 1864; 179, Gertrude Jane (Arthur's twin) c. 1886, married Thomas CURTIS; STOLLERY 180 Polly, born 1866; 181 Sara, 1868, married Alfred (?); 182 Edith, 1870; 183 Bernard, c. June 9, 1875, was quite ill; 184 Stephen, a twin to Bernard, c. November 20, 1875. Note that Bernard was not expected to live, and indeed we have no other record of him. Stollery 185 is Mary Elizabeth, of 1878, and 186 Horace William, 1881 - 1940. (Sidebar: Is he a victim of World War II?)

As if the Michaels of G10 weren't enough, here's G11-135 Michael, born and c Mar 16, 1819; he married Mary, 1845, and they had daughter Jane 187, c. October 19,1845, all in Shottisham, Suffolk.

G11-142, Joseph Richard, christened Dec. 26 1824 in Boyton, married Hannah (b. 1823 -- ?) in Orford, Suffolk. Daughter 188 Matilda c. May 2, 1837, Boyton; son 189 George, born 1850 in Bromeswell, Suffolk.

G11-144 Elizabeth, c Jan 31, 1830 in Boyton, died 1856. She maried John DISBURY Oct. 16, 1853, two years after she was delivered of a son William, STOLLERY 190.

G11-150 Ephraim, c May 26, 1844, Boyton, died in 1890. He married Elizabeth PANNIFER Jan 11, 1861 (she was age 20) and they had 191 Herbert Arthur in 1862 and 192 Anna Maria in 1865. Ephraim maried a second time, MaryAnne MERRIMAN, Mar. 29, 1875, and they had one child, 193 Michael John, Apr. 23 1878 to June 20, 1975.

G11-156 Henry was born in Boyton Mar 13, 1855; married Catherine COLLINS Feb. 18,1877 in Woodbridge, however they soon moved to Hollesley (where Catherine had been born). Their four children are 194 Ernest William, Mar. 3, 1878; 195 Jessie Ann, born Nov. 10, 1879; 196 Catherine, born 1884, and 197 George William (Dec. 21, 1889-Apr. 15, 1955).

(FAS' book number 158 is Mary Stollery Hammond; numbers 198-203 are her children, all Crisps. Book 159 is Hannah Stollery Hammond, with one child; and 160 Eliza Stollery Hammond Ling Wallace and had children 2305-209.)

G11-164 John, born May 6, 1849 in Ugborough, Devon, died April 13, 1922 in East Moseley, Surry, and buried in Ilford, London. John was an architect and Freeman of the City of London; he married Maria HOWELL Mar. 17, 1877, in St Mary Le Bow ("St. Mary's of the Bows" home to "Bows Bells?" This is the 'Cockney' district) London. Maria, born Nov. 22, 1850 in Wandsworth,m Surrey, died Dec. 8, 1936, Plymouth, Dorset; buried in Ilford, London. Their three children initiated the "California" branch! -- STOLLERY 210 Ann Maria, born Feb. 27, 1878, Bow, died Jul. 16 1956 in London, a spinster; buried, Ilford. Stollery 211 is David John (Senior) born Aug. 6, 1880; died Aug. 2, 1965; and 212 George Wilfred, born April 5, 1883, died Jan. 23, 1953.

G11-171, Harriet, born in Bawdsey, Suffolk, was christened in her birth year of 1857. She had one child, Lily STOLLERY, born in 1878. Nothing more is said.


G12: Shakers and Movers

Or, living through the San Francisco 'quake of 1906, should we say the 'movers and shakers?' We'll get to the movers in a moment.

G12-180 is Polly (1866 - ?), who marries STEWART and has daughter 214, son 215. G12-182 Edith (1870 - ?) joined James LEWIS and had three children, 216-18.

G12-185 Mary Elizabeth (1878 - ?) chose not to marry before giving birth to Eliza Maria, STOLLERY 219, christened March 24, 1889 in Boyton.

G12-186 Horace William, 1881-1940 (another victim of WW-2?) married Carrie Eliza LEWIS 1900 (Carrie: 1878-1951) and their seven children are: 220 Harry, 1902; 221 Bertie, 1904-1935; 222 Cyril, 1906-1974; 223 Leslie,[note: male] 1909-1988; 224 Joyce, 1913-lived 8 months; 225 Nancy (1914-1988) and 226 Robert Benjamin (1916-1988).


G12-190 William, born in Boyton, Suffolk, 1851, maried Margaret MOUSEN Jan. 3, 1877 (he was age 26) in Cambellfield, Victoria, Australia. Their chilren include 227 Herbert William, 1878, founder of the Australian Stollerys. (He wasn't alone to migrate to Australia; cousin 193 Michael John also moved.)

G12-191 Herbert Arthur, born in Hollesley, Suffolk, 1862, died in 1891. He married Ruth 1883 (she remarried after he passed on). They parented 228 Grace, born 1884, who moved to France; 229 Hilda, born 1885, lived in Felixstowe, Suffolk, England; 230 Norah, born 1887, who maried Harry MANN and moved to Picton, Ontario, Canada -- she may have been the first STOLLERY in Canada; 231 Ethel, born 1888, moved to Felixstowe; 232, male child STOLLERY, 1889 -1889 or 89; and 233 Edwin Ephriam, born June 23 1891, died in January 1980.

G12-193 Michael John, born April 23, 1878 in Hollesley, Suffolk, moved to New South Wales, Australia (the second Stollery to do so that we are aware of) and married Ellen Theresa DEASY Feb. 14, 1899; their two children are 234 Michael John, 1901 -1975 (June 20) and 235 Michael Gregory, born Dec. 26, 1904.

G12-194 Ernest William was born Mar. 23, 1878 in Hollesley, where He married Eliza REEVE in 1900. Their family included 236 Hary, 1901-?; 237 Ernest Harold, June 3, 1903 - 1977; 238 Arthur, born 1904; 239 Davy, born 1906; 240 Francis (male) born 1908; 241 Ella, born 1912; and 242 George, born 1913.

G12-195 is Jessie Ann, born Nov. 10, 1879, in Hollesley. She had two husbands, Alfred John Foster (children 243-246) and Henry Richard Whiting.

G12-197 George William was born in Hollesley, Dec. 21, 1889, and was buried there Apr. 15, 1955. He and wife Harriet FISH (1891-June 12, 1975) had daughter 247 Kathleen in 1913.

G12-202 is Alfred Crisp; and children 248-252; G12-2056 is Charlotte Hammond Wallice, with child 253.

G12-211 David John is the patriarch of the "California Stollerys," born Aug. 6, 1880 in Bow, London ("Bows Bells"); he migrated (via Liverpool) to Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, before moving on to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, and San Francisco / San Mateo, California, USA. His bride was Eudora Wiifred SMITH (of Poole, Dorset. England, Aug. 30, 1883: they met in San Mateo), their wedding date May 5, 1906; he died in Sacramento, Calif., Aug. 2, 1965, and she died June 8, 1985; they are interred in the family plot in San Mateo, Calif. (St. John's Cemetary). Their family was four: 254 David John Junior, Mar. 22, 1907-Oct. 1, 1991; 255 Edward Wilfrid (*the book spells it Wilfred but it's wrong) "Ted" Jan. 11, 1909 to Jul. 13, 1994; 256 Joseph Gordon, Aug. 6, 1914 - Feb. 14, 1999; and 257, Frederick Arnold, born May 16, 1922.

(257 is the publisher of the basic reference for these pages, published Mar. 19, 2001.)

G12-212 George Wilfred had been born April 5, 1883 in Bow, London; he married Vi, Aept. 16, 1911, in San Mateo, having traveled there either with 211 David John or to follow him there. George and Vi arre childless, and are buried in San Mateo, George passing Jan. 23, 1953. (Many thought that 211 David John named number 2 son 255 Edward Wilfred after George; 255 Edward's certificates indicate the spelling is WILFRID, which one anecdote has it was 'created' by mother Winifred to throw the entire family off track. It worked!)

Footnotes to our history

If you haven't tumbled to your editor's shorthanded space-saving techniques, then this 'graph is for you.

LAST NAMES. Everyone is STOLLERY unless otherwise specified.

LOCATIONS. Up to this time, it's been ENGLAND or Eng or E. We try to track the family as it moved about, but *some of the places aren't on current day maps (and some of us are not cartographers); *some of the references are to CHURCHES, some to COMMUNITIES, and some to CITIES - within Suffolk, or elsewhere in England.

It's only that late in the 19th century, young men were not alone in getting 'itchy feet' and wandering across the world. CAN is Canada; USA, the United States, and AUS, Australia, of course. NZ therefore is New Zealand (we'll meet some there) and no doubt we'll track Stollerys elsewhere -- IF we have your help!

SPACE is somewhat at a premium. You can tell this is a free service by 'freeservers' -- these pages have advertising -- and because they ARE free, they are limited to only so much space. That being said, SEND ME YOUR INFO and I'll juggle it around. Your own family page can be linked from here; these pages are merely the skeleton of our family, and of the Stollery family at that. I'll be glad to link to Alfred Miller's family's pages (Charlotte Stollery's daughter Eliza married a Hammond, their daughter was Charlotte who married a Miller...) and of course we'll link to the Crisps and others as well.

CORRECTIONS as to dates, etc., will be gladly made as needed and necessary. Please address all CORRECTIONS to "CQ" ...

COMPLAINTS should be directed to your favorite pastor. He, or she, is a better link than I to your God.



Last updated December 30, 2001, at 1800 hours Pacific Standard Time.